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Hello Instancing (Mid-level)

In this tutorial, we'll work through how to do instanced drawing with's mid-level APIs. This will involve using's WebGL wrappers to do the drawing instead of the higher-level Model. We'll start from the high-level app we created. First we need to install the shadertools module so we can compose shaders without the Model class:

npm i

Now we can update the imports:

import {AnimationLoop} from '';
import {Program, VertexArray, Buffer, clear} from '';
import {assembleShaders} from '';

Most of the initialization is similar, but we'll replace the creation of Model with its individual parts: shader composition, a vertex array, and a program. Shader composition is handled by assembleShaders

const assembled = assembleShaders(gl, {
  modules: [colorShaderModule]

We can then use the assembled shaders to create a Program:

const program = new Program(gl, assembled);

The attributes for the draw are managed by a VertexArray:

const vertexArray = new VertexArray(gl, {
  attributes: {
    position: positionBuffer,
    color: [colorBuffer, {divisor: 1}],
    offset: [offsetBuffer, {divisor: 1}]

The VertexArray takes the program as an argument to infer attribute parameters.

The vertexArray and program are required for drawing, so we'll return them from onInitialize, and then use them in onRender:

onInitialize({gl}) {
  // Setup...

  return {program, vertexArray};

onRender({gl, program, vertexArray}) {
  clear(gl, {color: [0, 0, 0, 1]});
    vertexCount: 3,
    instanceCount: 4

The scene should be identical to the one draw with the high-level API. See the live demo here.

The complete app is as follows:

import {AnimationLoop} from '';
import {Program, VertexArray, Buffer, clear} from '';
import {assembleShaders} from '';

const colorShaderModule = {
  name: 'color',
  vs: `
    varying vec3 color_vColor;

    void color_setColor(vec3 color) {
      color_vColor = color;
  fs: `
    varying vec3 color_vColor;

    vec3 color_getColor() {
      return color_vColor;

const loop = new AnimationLoop({
  onInitialize({gl}) {
    const positionBuffer = new Buffer(gl, new Float32Array([
      -0.2, -0.2,
      0.2, -0.2,
      0.0, 0.2

    const colorBuffer = new Buffer(gl, new Float32Array([
      1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
      0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
      0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
      1.0, 1.0, 0.0

    const offsetBuffer = new Buffer(gl, new Float32Array([
      0.5, 0.5,
      -0.5, 0.5,
      0.5,  -0.5,
      -0.5, -0.5

    const vs = `
      attribute vec2 position;
      attribute vec3 color;
      attribute vec2 offset;

      void main() {
        gl_Position = vec4(position + offset, 0.0, 1.0);
    const fs = `
      void main() {
        gl_FragColor = vec4(color_getColor(), 1.0);

    const assembled = assembleShaders(gl, {
      modules: [colorShaderModule]

    const program = new Program(gl, assembled);

    const vertexArray = new VertexArray(gl, {
      attributes: {
        position: positionBuffer,
        color: [colorBuffer, {divisor: 1}],
        offset: [offsetBuffer, {divisor: 1}]

    return {program, vertexArray};

  onRender({gl, program, vertexArray}) {
    clear(gl, {color: [0, 0, 0, 1]});
      vertexCount: 3,
      instanceCount: 4
