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Manages an animation timeline, with multiple channels that can be running at different rates, durations, etc. Many methods (play, pause) assume that the update method is being called once per frame with a "global time". This automatically done for AnimationLoop.timeline object.

Parallel Times

The key concept at work in the Timeline is running multiple time frames in parallel:

  • Global Time: The "system time" as determined by the application. Used by Timeline to determine the rate at which to play.
  • Timeline Time: The "parent" time of all channels on the timeline. Can be played at the same rate as "Global Time" or manipulated manually.
  • Channel Time: Will update in lock step with "Timeline Time", but may move at different rates, loop, etc. depending on channel parameters.


Automatic update usage (assume update method is being called once per frame):

animationLoop.attachTimeline(new Timeline());
const timeline = animationLoop.timeline;
const channel1 = timeline.addChannel({
  rate: 0.5,
  duration: 4000,
  repeat: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
const channel2 = timeline.addChannel({
  rate: 2,
  delay: 500,
  duration: 1000,
  repeat: 3


  uValue1: timeline.getTime(channel1);
  uValue2: timeline.getTime(channel2);

Manual usage:

const timeline = new Timeline();
const channel1 = timeline.addChannel({
  rate: 0.5,
  duration: 4000,
  repeat: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
const channel2 = timeline.addChannel({
  rate: 2,
  delay: 500,
  duration: 1000,
  repeat: 3

  uValue1: timeline.getTime(channel1);
  uValue2: timeline.getTime(channel2);


addChannel([props: Object]) : Number

Add a new channel to the timeline. Returns a handle to the channel that can be use for subsequent interactions. Valid propeties are:

  • rate the speed of the channel's time relative to timeline time.
  • delay offset into timeline time at which channel time starts elapsing, in timeline time units.
  • duration the length of the channel time frame, in timeline time units.
  • repeat how many time to repeat channel time's timeline. Only meaningful if duration is finite.

removeChannel(handle : Number)

Remove a channel from the timeline. handle should be a value that was returned by addChannel.

isFinished(handle : Number) : Boolean

Returns whether the channel's time has completely elapsed.

getTime([handle : Number]) : Number

Return the current time of the channel indicated by handle. If no handle is provided, return timeline time.

setTime(time : Number)

Set the timeline time to the given value.


Allow timeline time to be updated by calls to update.


Prevent timeline time from being updated by calls to update.


Reset timeline time to 0.

attachAnimation(animation: Object, [channelHandle : Number]) : Number

Attach an animation object (can be any object with a setTime method, e.g. KeyFrames, GLTFAnimator) to the timeline, optionally attached to a specific channel referenced by channelHandle. The animation object's time will be updated whenever the timeline updates. Returns a handle that can be used to reference the animation attachement.

detachAnimation(handle : Number)

Detach an animation object from the timeline. handle should be a value that was returned by attachAnimation.

update(globalTime : Number)

Expected to be called once per frame, with whatever is considered the "system time". Required for play and pause to work properly.