Upgrade Guide

Upgrading from v6.x to v7.0 v7.0 represents a major overhaul of the API. The majority of changes are in areas that are only infrequently used by applications, and the intention is that most applications should only require very light porting.

Core API Removals

Loading Functions Removed

Extensive loading functionality is now provided by a new companion framework and because of this, most of the limited legacy loading functions have been removed.

For the most common case (loading of images for use with textures), loading functions are no longer needed as the data prop in the Texture2D constructor now accepts url strings and Promise objects (this is the new Async Textures function).

Removed Function Replacement
loadTexture(url, parameters) new Texture(gl, {data: url, parameters})
loadFiles Multiple calls to loadFile
loadImages Multiple calls to loadImage
loadTextures As per loadTexture
loadProgram Manually load fs and vs, call new Program(gl, {vs, fs})
loadModel call loadFile and copy parseModel code from examples/lesson/16
parseModel call loadFile and copy parseModel code from examples/lesson/16

Attribute Class Removed

This experimental class has been moved to and is now an internal class. Attribute accessor API improvements in v7 should cover any issue.

WebGL API Removals

Sampler Class Removed

The Sampler class has been removed as its utility was limited and it added complexity to the library. It may be added back in the future if a clear use case arises.

Texture2DArray Class Removed

The Texture2DArray class has been removed as its utility was limited and the status of support was unclear due to limited testing. It may be added back in the future if a clear use case arises.

FenceSync Class Removed

The FenceSync class has been removed as its utility was limited. It may be added back in the future if a clear use case arises. If required, syncing can be done directly through the WebGLFenceSync object.

Framebuffer and Texture: Copy and Blit methods

Following member function of Framebuffer and Texture classes are no longer supported, instead use the corresponding new global methods:

Removed method Replacement
Framebuffer.readPixels readPixelsToArray
Framebuffer.readPixelsToBuffer readPixelsToBuffer
Frambuffer.copyToDataUrl copyToDataUrl
Frambuffer.copyToImage copyToImage
Frambuffer.copyToTexture copyToTexture
Frambuffer.blit blit
Texture.copyFramebuffer copyToTexture

Parameters have also changed in some cases, see separate section.

Module Structure Changes

Debug functionality moved to separate npm module

To reduce bundle size and increase separation of concerns, debug functionality is now more cleanly separated from the core library and needs to be imported from a separate npm module:

To upgrade, install the new module

npm install

And replace

import "";


import "";






The Geometry class has been simplified and is now a conceptually “immutable” class that holds typed arrays and accessor metatadata describing attributes for a geometry.

Removal Replacement Reason for Change
Geometry.drawMode no longer accepts String values Geometry.DRAW_MODE enum API simplification
Geometry.setNeedsRedraw() N/A Not needed for immutable geometry
Geometry.getNeedsRedraw() N/A Not needed for immutable geometry


Removed Method Replacement Reason for Change
Buffer.updateAccessor(...) Buffer.setAccessor(new Accessor(buffer.accessor, ...) Decoupling accessors from Buffer


To maximize rendering performance, the default framebuffer is no longer preserved between frames.

The most common use case for preserving the draw buffer is capturing canvas contents into an image via toDataURL. This can now be done via AnimationLoop.toDataURL which returns a Promise that resolves to the canvas data URL:

dataURL = await animationLoop.toDataURL();
snapshotImage.src = dataURL;

More generally, moving code that depends on canvas contents to the end of onRender, after all draw operations, will ensure that canvas contents are available.

Prior behaviour can re-enabled using the glOptions argument to the createGLContext or AnimationLoop constructors:

new AnimationLoop({
  glOptions: {
    preserveDrawingBuffer: true

Note that setting preserveDrawingBuffers may result in a performance drop on some platforms.


Use Query.getTimerMilliseconds to retrieve timer results in milliseconds. Query.getResult now returns raw query results.

To improve performance and simplify the library, support for tracking Query instances with promises has changed: The Query constructor no longer takes onComplete and onError callbacks, and pollGLContext has been removed. Instead Query.createPoll now provides a simple, optional promise-based API.

Copy And Blit Parameter Unification

Names of certain parameters to these methods have been unified in an effort to reduce confusion and use the same conventions across all functions implementing image read-back, copy or blit.

This table lists parameter mapping between old and new function.

Framebuffer.readPixels readPixelsToArray
- source
opts.x opts.sourceX
opts.y opts.sourceY
opts.width opts.sourceWidth
opts.height opts.sourceHeight
opts.format opts.sourceFormat
opts.type opts.sourceType
opts.attachment opts.sourceAttachment
Framebuffer.readPixelsToBuffer readPixelsToBuffer
- source
opts.x opts.sourceX
opts.y opts.sourceY
opts.width opts.sourceWidth
opts.height opts.sourceHeight
opts.format opts.sourceFormat
opts.type opts.sourceType
opts.byteOffset opts.targetByteOffset
Framebuffer.copyToDataUrl copyToDataUrl
- source
opts.attachment opts.sourceAttachment
opts.maxheight opts.targetMaxHeight
Framebuffer.copyToImage copyToImage
- source
opts.attachment opts.sourceAttachment
opts.image opts.targetImage
Framebuffer.copyToTexture copyToTexture
- source target
opts.texture target
opts.x opts.sourceX
opts.y opts.sourceY
opts.xoffset opts.targetX
opts.yoffset opts.targetY
opts.zoffset opts.targetZ
opts.width opts.width
opts.height opts.height
opts.internalFormat opts.targetInternalFormat
opts.mipmapLevel opts.targetMipmapLevel
Texture.copyFramebuffer copyToTexture
opts.framebuffer source target
opts.x opts.sourceX
opts.y opts.sourceY
opts.width opts.width
opts.height opts.height
opts.internalFormat opts.targetInternalFormat
opts.level opts.targetMipmapLevel
Framebuffer.blit blit
opts.srcFramebuffer source
- target
opts.attachment opts.sourceAttachment
opts.srcX0 opts.sourceX0
opts.srcX1 opts.sourceX1
opts.srcY0 opts.sourceY0
opts.srcY1 opts.sourceY1
opts.dstX0 opts.targetX0
opts.dstX1 opts.targetX1
opts.dstY0 opts.targetY0
opts.dstY1 opts.targetY1
opts.color opts.color
opts.depth opts.depth
opts.stencil opts.stencil
opts.mask opts.mask
opts.filter opts.filter

Geometry Scenegraph Models

Geometry scenegraph models have been deprecated. Simply create a Model or ModelNode and explicitly pass a Geometry instance as an argument, e.g.:

  const sphere = new Model(gl, {
    geometry: new SphereGeometry({
      nlat: 30,
      nlong: 30,
      radius: 2

Upgrading from v5.3 to v6.0 v6.0 underwent a major API cleanup, resulting in a smaller, easier-to-learn API and smaller application bundles. While there are many smaller changes, the impact on most applications should be limited:

GL Constants Import Path

The biggest change for many apps will probably be that the static GL symbol (that contains all WebGL2 constants) must now be separately imported GL from ‘’.

Experimental Exports: New Naming Convention

Experimental exports are now prefixed with underscore (_). The experimental “name space” export has been removed.

// NOW: v6
import {_Attribute as Attribute} from '';

// BEFORE: v5.x
import {experimental} from '';
const {Attribute} = experimental;

This change will enable tree-shaking bundlers to remove unused experimental exports, resulting in smaller final application bundles.

Removed symbols

Math functions were moved from to the separate module in v4.1. As of v6.0, they are no longer forwarded by and now need to be imported directly from

import {radians, degrees, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Matrix4} from ''; v6.0 removes a number of previously deprecated symbols. will now issue an error rather than a warning if the old usage is detecated.


Removed symbol Replacement Reason for change
GL import GL from '' Bundle size reduction (by making this import optional).
glGet(name) glGet(gl, name) Bundle size reduction (Was deprecated in v5.3)
glKey(value) glKey(gl, value) Bundle size reduction (Was deprecated in v5.3)
glKeyType(value) glKeyType(gl, value) Bundle size reduction (Was deprecated in v5.3)


Removed symbol Replacement Reason for change
deleteGLContest destroyGLContext Naming audit (Was deprecated in v5.3)
pollContext pollGLContext Naming audit (Was deprecated in v5.3)
trackContextCreation N/A Rarely used, overly specialized

Global Functions

Removed symbol Replacement Reason for change
readPixels Framebuffer.readPixels Naming audit (was deprecated in v3.0)
FrameBufferObject FrameBuffer Naming audit (was deprecated in v3.0)


Removed symbol Replacement Reason for change
AnimationLoop.setViewParams() AnimationLoop.setProps() Naming audit


Removed symbol Replacement Reason for change
varyingMap N/A (configuration) Program now auto discovers varyings.
Program.setAttributes() VertexArray.setAttributes() Attribute management moved to VertexArray
Program.setBuffers() VertexArray.setAttributes() Attribute management moved to VertexArray
Program.setVertexArray() Program.draw({vertexArray}) No longer needed, just supply a VertexArray to Program.draw()
Program.unsetBuffers() N/A No longer needed, just supply a VertexArray to Program.draw()
Program.use() gl.useProgram(program.handle) Rarely needed by apps, can use raw WebGL API
getUniformCount() getParameter(GL.ACTIVE_UNIFORMS) Rarely needed
getUniformInfo() gl.getActiveUniform() Rarely needed by apps, can use raw WebGL API
getUniformLocation() gl.getUniformLocation() Rarely needed by apps, can use raw WebGL API
getUniformValue() gl.getUniform() Rarely needed by apps, can use raw WebGL API
‘getVarying()’   Rarely needed by apps, can use raw WebGL API
‘getFragDataLocation()’   Rarely needed by apps, can use raw WebGL API
‘getAttachedShaders()’   Rarely needed by apps, can use raw WebGL API
‘getAttributeCount()’   Rarely needed by apps, can use raw WebGL API
‘getAttributeLocation()’   Rarely needed by apps, can use raw WebGL API
‘getAttributeInfo()’   Rarely needed by apps, can use raw WebGL API


Removed symbol Replacement Reason for change
TransformFeedback.pause() gl.pauseTransformFeedback Rarely needed by apps, can use raw WebGL API
TransformFeedback.resume() gl.resumeTransformFeedback Rarely needed by apps, can use raw WebGL API


Removed symbol Replacement Reason for change
VertexArray.setBuffers() VertexArray.setAttributes() API Audit, setAttributes handles more cases.
VertexArray.setGeneric() VertexArray.setConstant() API Audit, prefer “constant” instead of “generic”
VertexArray.filledLocations() N/A No longer needed.
VertexArray.clearBindings() VertexArray.reset() API Audit
VertexArray.setLocations() VertexArray.constructor({program}) Autodetected from program parameter
VertexArray.setGenericValues() VertexArray.setConstant() API Audit, prefer “constant” instead of “generic”
VertexArray.setDivisor() gl.vertexAttribDivisor() Rarely needed by apps, can use raw WebGL API
VertexArray.enable() gl.enableVertexAttribArray() Rarely needed by apps, can use raw WebGL API
VertexArray.disable() gl.disableVertexAttribArray() Rarely needed by apps, can use raw WebGL API

Upgrading from v5.2 to v5.3

v5.3 deprecates a number of symbols. It is recommended that you replace their usage in your source code.

Deprecated symbol Replacement Reason
GL import GL from '' Bundle size concerns
deleteGLContest destroyGLContext API Audit: Naming alignment
pollContext pollGLContext API Audit: Naming alignment

Upgrading from v5.1 to v5.2

Running under Node.js

Using with Node: "import" is no longer required for to load headless gl and the usage has been deprecated. You can now simply remove any such import statements from your code.

Using Debug Contexts

Debugging: The Khronos group’s WebGLDeveloperTools are automatically installed when is installed, but are not actually bundled into the application unless explicitly imported. This avoids impacting the size of production bundles built on that typically do not need debug support.

To use debug support, first import the debug tools, then call getDebugContext to create a debug contexts from a normal WebGL context:

import "";
const gl = getDebugContext(gl);

Upgrading from v4 to v5

Please read this documentation before upgrading your dependency from v4 to v5. In v5 a number of previously deprecated features have been removed and a number of additional deprecations have been made at the same time.

Before upgrading to v5, it is highly recommended to run your application using latest v4 release, and check the console for any deprecated warnings, if there are any replace deprecated API with newer API as listed below.

Model Class

The Model constructor expects a gl context as the first argument.

  // v5
  Model(gl, {...opts});
  Model(gl, {program});

Following style construction was deprecated in v4 and is now removed in v5.

  Model({gl, ...opts});


useDevicePixelRatio is used as a an argument in AnimationLoop class constructor and pickModels method. It is now deprecated in v5, but still supported with a warning message and will be removed in next major version update. It is recommended to use useDevicePixels instead.


Geometry class construction with inline attributes was deprecated in v4 and now removed in v5.

new Geometry({
  positions: new Float32Array([ ... ]),
  colors: {
    size: 4,
    value: new Float32Array([ ... ])

All attributes should be grouped inside attribute object.

new Geometry({
 attributes: {
   positions: new Float32Array([ ... ]),
   colors: {
     size: 4,
     value: new Float32Array([ ... ])

Removed Features

Following features were deprecated in v3 and v4 are now removed in v5.

Removed symbol / Usage Replacement Comment
withState withParameters State management
glContextWithState withParameters State management
withParameters({frameBuffer}) withParameters({framebuffer}) State management
isWebGLContext isWebGL WebGL context validation
isWebGL2Context isWebGL2 WebGL2 context validation
Camera, PerspectiveCamera, OrthoCamera None  
Scene None  
Removed symbol / Usage Replacement
generateMipmaps mipmaps
magFilter parameters[GL.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER]
minFilter parameters[GL.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER]
wrapS parameters[GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_S]
wrapT parameters[GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_T]

Upgrading from v3 to v4 v4 is a major release with API changes. Please read this documentation before upgrading your’s dependency from v3 to v4. In addition, a number of previously deprecated features have been removed and a number of additional deprecations have been made at the same time in this version.

Removed Features

Some previously deprecated classes and functions have been removed in v4 and applications must be updated with the new classes and functions if they are still using these.

Symbol Replacement Comment
Vec3 Vector3 New math library
Mat4 Matrix4 New math library
Quat Quaternion New math library

Deprecated Features

Some classes and functions have been deprecated in v4. They will continue to function in v4, but a warning in the console will be generated. These functions are expected to be removed in a future major versions of

Symbol Replacement Comment
withState withParameters New WebGL state management
glContextWithState withParameters New WebGL state management

API Change

Model Class

The Model constructor now expects a gl context as the first argument.

  // v3
  Model({gl, ...opts});

  // v4
  Model(gl, {...opts});
  Model(gl, {program});

the gl context used to be extracted from the supplied program or provided along side with other options, but in v4, it is expected as a separate argument to the constructor. This change is because v4 emphasizes sharing shaders rather than programs (often indirectly via shader caching / shader assembly), it is less common that a gl context is available.

Upgrading from V2 to V3

V3 was a fairly minor release, a number of deprecations were made.


Symbol Replacement Comment
Vec3 Vector3 New math library
Mat4 Matrix4 New math library
Quat Quaternion New math library