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Optimizing for Bundle Size and provide a lot of functionality and the amount of code these libraries contain will of course impact the size of your application bundle and your startup load time.

There are multiple techniques used in JavaScript.

Choosing a dist folder

When installed from npm, and related libraries come with three separate dist sub folders.

dist/es6esnextThe most compact distribution is with very few exceptions essentially untranspiled ES6/ES2015 code (via babel-preset-env). This is the smallest distribution, and is the best choice if you are only targeting modern "evergreen" browsers (e.g. not IE11 or older mobile devices).
dist/esmmoduleSame as dist/es5, except export and import statements are left untranspiled to enable tree shaking. The main reason to use this distribution is if your are targeting older browsers (e.g. IE11 or older mobile devices).
dist/es5mainAll code is transpiled into ES5 and exports/imports are transpiled into commonjs requires. The main reason to use this distribution is if your bundler does not support tree-shaking using import/export syntax.

You will have to check the documentation of your particular bundler to see what configuration options are available:

  • Webpack 2 and later will pick the esm distribution by default (the module main field)
  • Webpack 4 allows you to choose the esnext distribution by specifying a new resolve.mainFields array in your application's webpack config.
  • For other bundlers, please refer to the respective documentation to see if you can control which distribution to use. If not, expect the es5 distribution to be used.

About Tree-Shaking is designed to fully leverage tree-shaking. Tree-shaking should be possible with any supporting browser but development has currentle focusing on enabling the webpack 4 + babel 7 combination which provides excellent results.

Some things to be aware of when working with tree-shaking:

  • At least in Webpack, tree shaking is done by the uglifier, which is typically only run as the very last step on production builds. This means that it is typically not possible to assess the benefits of tree shaking during development.
  • The lack of tree-shaking during development makes it hard to make statements about bundle size impact of a library just from looking at bundle sizes of development builds or the size of the library's npm module. Our recommendation is to always measure impact on your actual production builds.

Pay for What you Use

Naturally, an application that uses all the functionality offered by a framework will benefit little from tree shaking, whereas a small app that only uses a few selected components should expect big savings.

When we modularize, we are less focused on the size of the entire library, and more on making sure that applications only pay for the features they actually use. Also we try to make the core set of functionality small.

Bundle Size Numbers

So, what kind of impact on bundle sizes should you expect when using When do you know if you have set up your bundler optimally. To help answer these questions, we provide some numbers you can compare against. has scripts that measure the size of a minified bundle after each build, which allows us to provide comparison numbers between releases. This bundle imports the Module and AnimationLoop classes, which are the basic building blocks of most apps.

es6-production6.1 Bundle/Zip6.0 Bundle/Zip
es6-production144KB / 42KB181KB / 51KB
esm-production209KB / 49KB281KB / 66KB
es5-production408KB / 88KB422KB / 93KB
es6-development787KB / 123KB926KB / 165KB
esm-development1048KB / 150KB1167KB / 192KB
es5-development961KB / 142KB1052KB / 182KB
  • Numbers represent the minified bundle size of a minimal application, bundled with Webpack 4, which means that the ES6 and ESM numbers benefit from tree shaking.
  • The number in parenthesis are the compressed bundle sizes. This is an indication of the how much extra size will be added to your compressed app bundle if you import
  • For the ES6 and ESM dists, apps that use more classes and features will see an increase in bundle size.

Future Work

This is not the final word on bundle size. More work is being done to reduce the size of and we are confident that even as fture releases will have more functionality, we will be able to keep the library code from growing and, more importantly, make even more "tree shakeable", with the intention that apps should only "pay for what they use".


  • Optimizing for minified code - Due to inclusion of sourcemaps etc, the bundle size impact of tends to look more significant in development builds than in the final production builds. While reducing the size of the development libraries is also desirable, the current goal is to ensure the impact of adding on the final, minified/uglified application bundle is as small as possible.
  • Compressed bundle sizes are calculated using gzip -9. Consider using slower brotli compression for static assests, it typically provides an additional 20% reduction.