What’s New

Version 7.2

Date: July 9, 2019

FXAA Shader Module now supports FXAA (Fast Approximate Antialiasing) as a post processing effect. This allows for antialiasing on offscreen framebuffers.

ImageBitmap Textures

The Texture class now supports ImageBitmap input data.

Version 7.1

Date: June 4, 2019

Enhanced Shader Injection System now supports a much more robust system for injecting code into shaders. In addition to the pre-defined shader hooks such as vs:#main-start, the shader injection system now supports:

The combination of these features allows the behavior of the same shader code to be modified depending on included shader modules or other requirements of the application. See assembleShaders documentation for more details.

Animation Support

More robust animations are now supported via the Timeline and KeyFrames classes.

The Timeline class supports easily managing a timeline with multiple channels elapsing at different rates, as well as orchestrating playing, pausing, and rewinding behavior between them. A timeline can be attached to an AnimationLoop and then queried for time values, which can be used in animations. See Timeline documentation for more details.

The KeyFrames class allows arbitrary data to be associated with time points. The time value of the key frames can be set and the current key frames and interpolation factor can be queried and used in calculating animated values. See KeyFrames documentation for more details.

Version 7.0

Date: April 19, 2019

<img height=200 src="" />

glTF Support

<img height=200 src="" />

PBR (Physically Based Rendering)

glTF Support

<img height=100 src=”” /> can now load 3D models and scenegraphs in the popular glTF™ asset format (with the help of the GLTFLoader. All variants of glTF 2.0 are supported, including binary .glb files as well as JSON .gltf files with binary assets in base64 encoding or in separate files. The Draco Mesh compression extension is also supported. Integration is a major new companion framework to that provides a suite of 3D file format loaders (with an emphasizis on point cloud formats), including: output can now be passed directly into classes like Geometry and Model making it straightforward to use with a wide variety of file formats.

Asynchronous Textures

Image data for Texture classes can now be supplied using URLs or Promises, making it unnecessary for applications to handle image loading themselves.

new Texture2D(gl, 'path/to/my/image.png'); // Texture2D will load the image and becomes 'renderable' once it loads
// or
new Texture2D(gl, loadImage('path/to/my/image.png')); // loadImage returns a promise


A standardized set of light classes are now supported by multiple material models (Phong, Goraud and PBR) enabling various models to be mixed and properly lit in the same scene.

Modularization Improvements

Performance Instrumentation

Extensive metrics about frame CPU and GPU times, resource counts, and GPU memory usage are being collected. The data is exposed as a Stats object. The new StatsWidget can be used to present data in applications.

Interleaved Attributes

To improve support for interleaved attributes and glTF model loading, accessor objecs and the Accessor class now support a buffer field. In addition, attribute setting functions now accept accessor objects with the buffer field set. This allows multiple accessor objects referencing the same buffer:

const buffer = // "interleaved" vertex attributes: 3 floats for position followed by 4 bytes for RGBA
  positions: {buffer, stride: 16, offset: 0, ...}}),
  colors: {buffer, stride: 16, offset: 12, ...}})

Unified functions for Framebuffers and Textures (Read/Copy/Blit)

A set of global methods that perform copying data to and from Framebuffer objects. All functions that read from or write to a Framebuffer object now also accept a Texture object (no need to create and configure a Framebuffer just to do a simple operation on a Texture).

Experimental Features

WebVR Support (experimental)

Just replace your AnimationLoop with VRAnimationLoop from ``. Works with Firefox Reality.

Version 6.4

Date: January 29, 2018

PBR (Physically Based) Rendering and Material

Physically-Based Rendering is now supported and the new PBRMaterial class can be used to set up parameters. Material can be selected per model.

Copy and Blit methods

Several member function of Framebuffer and Texture classes are now replaced by global methods that peform copying data to and from Framebuffer objects. All methods that read from or write to a Framebuffer object, can now also accept a Texture object.

Version 6.3

Date: November 16, 2018

Uniform Caching

Uniforms are now cached at Program object, which improves performance by eliminating uniform setter calls when uniform values are not changed.

New submodules

Offscreen Rendering (Experimental)

A new experimental class AnimationLoopProxy supports running an AnimationLoop on a worker thread using the OffscreenCanvas API made official in Chrome 70. For more detatils, see API documentation and example app.

Version 6.2

Date: September 12, 2018

<img height=150 src="" />

glfx port using ShaderModulePass

<img height=150 src="" />

Transform: edge detection

ShaderModulePass (Experimental)

Shader modules that expose “standard” filtering and sampling functions can be given extra metadata (the passes field) enabling easy construction of a ShaderModulePass. Look for ShaderPass badges in the documentation of shader modules.

Transform Texture support (Experimental)

Transform class was introduced in 6.0 provides easy API to perform WebGL’s complicated TransformFeedback. We are now extending this class to provide same easy API to read and write into textures. Running image filters, performing offline rendering and custom texture mip-map generation are some of the use-cases. Moreover, texture and buffer access can be combined, i.e. using single Transform instance buffers can be captured using TransformFeedback and data can be propagated beyond vertex shader to generate a texture.

Version 6.1

Date: Target August 31, 2018

<img height=150 src="" />

Ambient Occlusion Render Pass

<img height=150 src="" />

Edge Detection Render Pass 6.1 is a minor release that introduces a number of new experimental capabilities that are expected to be built out and become official over the next few releases.

New Multipass Rendering System (Experimental) now provides a composable multipass rendering framework, based on a MultiPassRenderer class that accepts a list of render passes.

Post-Processing Effects (Experimental)

A number of classic WebGL/OpenGL post processing effects have been ported to and packaged as composable render passes. For maxiumum flexibility, many of the underlying shaders have also been exposed as shader modules, allowing filtering features to be used either directly in existing shaders or applied as a post-processing filter.

New Submodule (Experimental)

A selection of open source 3D loaders have been ported to a new submodule Initial focus is on point cloud loaders (PLY, LAZ, PCD), although a geospatial loader (KML) is also included. In addition it contains both read and write support for GLB (the glTF binary container format).

Transform Class now supports Shader Modules

The Transform class now accepts shader module parameters (such as modules, dependencies and inject, see assembleShaders), enabling the use of shader modules in transform feedback operations. is now using the ocular document generator to build its website, which among other things enables search.

Version 6.0

Date: July 18, 2018

<img height=150 src="" />

WebGL Improvements

A major release that as always focuses on WebGL performance and code size optimizations, better support for shader/GLSL programming, improved documentation and API cleanup.

WebGL Improvements

Attribute Management Optimizations

VertexArray objects are now used for all attribute management in, resulting in improved performance and a simpler, more consistent API. The Program and Model class APIs have been updated to use VertexArray.

Buffer Memory Optimizations

The Buffer class no longer holds on to the complete JavaScript typed arrays used during initialization. This can lead to significant memory savings in apps that use multiple large GPU buffers initialized from typed arrays. Also for convenience a new method getElementCount is added that returns number elements based on its size and type.

Transform Feedback Improvements

A new method Model.transform makes it easier to run basic transform feedback operations, when the full power of the new Transform class (see below) is not needed.

Transform class (WebGL2)

Transform is now an officially supported class. This new class provides an easy-to-use interface to Transform Feedback. This class hides complexity by internally creating and managing the supporing WebGL objects that are necessary to perform Transform Feedback operations.

Shader Module System Improvements

GLSL Transpilation

The shader assembler now transforms shader code to the GLSL version specified by the top-level shader. GLSL 3.00 ES shader code is transparently transformed into GLSL 1.00 ES compatible code when needed, and vice versa. This allows application to write shader code in the modern GLSL version available (3.00 ES) and still run it under WebGL1 - Shader “transpilation” will automatically convert shader module source code syntax to the target version (assuming that no WebGL2 only features were used).

Shader Code Injection

A new shader injection system allows applications to inject additional code into existing shaders. In many cases, this can avoid the need to copy (or “fork”) large and complicated existing shaders just to add a few lines of code.

Shader injection can be used to “inject” new shader modules into an existing shader. Adding a shader module to the modules list automatically “prepends” the shader module functions to the beginning of your main shader code, but using a shader module still typically requires adding one or two lines of code each to the main functions in the vertex and fragment shaders. In many cases, the new shader injection feature allows this be done without copying the original shaders.

Shader Modules now support GLSL 3.00 ES

All shader modules are now written in GLSL 3.00 syntax, and leverage the new GLSL transpilation feature to be compatible with both GLSL 3.00 ES and GLSL 1.00 ES main shaders. Care is taken to avoid using GLSL 3.00 specific features whenever possible, and exceptions will be clearly documented.


Developer’s Guide now has a more extensive Developer’s Guide covering more areas of the API, including a new developer guide for shader programming, with sections about writing shaders and the shader module system. Content includes:

API Cleanup

Being a major release, in v6.0 we took the opportunity to clean up the API.

Removal of Deprecated/Unused Methods

To keep reducing application bundle size, a number of methods have been removed from the API. Methods that were deprecated in previous releases have now been removed, and in additional a number of rarely used methods have also been dropped (in most cases, the dropped functionality is still accessible using raw WebGL calls).

Renamed Methods

In a few cases, methods have been renamed after API Audits, usually to improve API consistency. The details are listed in the Upgrade Guide. In most cases, running your pre-v6 application on v6 should generate messages in the console when old method calls are encountered, and you should be able to quickly address any changes one-by-one by referring to the Upgrade Guide.

Version 5.3

Date: June 1, 2018

A minor release with bug fixes and internal improvements.

Version 5.2

Date: Apr 24, 2018

Transform class (WebGL2, Experimental)

The new experimental Transform class provides an easy-to-use interface to perform Transform Feedback operations.

Framebuffer Class

Pixel Readback to GPU Buffers (WebGL2) - A new method Framebuffer.readPixelsToBuffer is added to asynchronously read pixel data into a Buffer object. This allows applications to reduce the CPU-GPU sync time by postponing transfer of data or to completely avoid GPU-CPU sync by using the pixel data in the GPU Buffer object directly as data source for another GPU draw or transform feedback operation.

Bundle Size Reduction

The impact of importing on production application bundle sizes has been reduced, in particular when using webpack 4 with appropriate configuration. A new article about bundling and tree shaking has been added to the Developer Guide, providing in-depth information and guidance on what numbers to expect.

Running in Node.js

Running of under Node.js is now easier than ever. v5.2 automatically loads headless-gl if installed on the system, avoiding the need for the app to import special files or add other conditional logic. See Using with Node and the Upgrade Guide.

Debug Mode Changes

To further reduce production application bundle sizes, no longer support WebGL debug contexts by default, as this requires including the Khronos WebGLDeveloperTools into the bundle. WebGL debug contexts are still available, but needs to be explicitly enabled. To understand how to use WebGL debug contexts in v5.2, please refer to the article on Debugging and the Upgrade Guide.


All examples have been updated to use webpack 4

Version 5.1

A smaller release with improvements to TransformFeedback support.

Date: Feb 15, 2018

TransformFeedback Class

Two improvements Performing Transform Feedback operations has gotten easier, mainly in the following two ways:

TransformFeedback instances can now be supplied directly to Model.draw and feedback will begin and end during that draw call. Thus it is no longer necessary to work directly with the Program class to use transform feedback.

Program now build a varyingMap on creation depending on varyings array and drawMode. This varyingMap can be passed to TransformFeedback.bindBuffers() enabling buffers to be indexed by the name of the “varying” instead of using an index.

For more details check TransformFeedback and Model documentation.

Version 5.0

Date: Dec 22, 2017

A smaller release with several new examples and some under the hood changes to improve performance.


Additional examples have been ported to the v5 API.

Model Class

Framebuffer Binding Management

In v4 we added WebGL state management which automatically tracks all WebGL state settings. In this release we extended this feature to support framebuffer bindings. When restoring context settings, the previous framebuffer binding will also be restored.

WebGL2 Improvements

Improvements in particular to the Buffer, TransformFeedback and Framebuffer classes based on use in applications.

Shader Modules

Version 4.0

Release date: July 27th, 2017

<img height=150 src="" />

WebGL 2

A major release that brings full WebGL2 support to, as well as adding support for GL state management and a new shader module system.

Full WebGL2 Support now exposes the complete WebGL2 APIs:

WebGL Capability Management provides a single unified WebGL2-style API across WebGL2, WebGL1 and WebGL extensions, and provides a simple mechanisms for querying what capabilities are available. This simplifies building apps that run on both WebGL1 and WebGL2, seamlessly allowing applications to leverage WebGL extensions when available.

WebGL State Management

In this version, a new WebGL state management is implemented to help address one of the weak spots of the stateful WebGL API:

shadertools - A New Shader Module System

Documentation Improvements

Complete rewrite of’s documentation. New structure and contents for every classes provided, featured on a new website with links to other frameworks in Uber’s visualization framework suite, such as and react-map-gl.

Code Size Improvements

Significant reduction in the size of distributed library


Release Date: March 15, 2017

A smaller release mainly intended to align the code base with the big v4 release.

Major News


Debug Support

New AnimationFrame class

Smaller changes

New gl-matrix based math library

Library Size

Experimental APIs


Internal improvements

Breaking Changes


Release Date: July 05, 2016 (evolved through a number of minor releases)

Theme: A bigger official release, a major API refactoring that introduced the WebGL classes that are now a characteristic aspect of the API.

Major Features


Debug Support

Linux support

New gl-matrix based math classes

TimerQuery, WebGL Extension doc, fix crash on Travis CI

Debug log improvements, import fix

Add ability to import luma without io


Node.js support

luma global initialization

Headless support

Improve change detection

Decoupled headless-gl dependency

Improve change detection


Release Date: 2016

Theme: A smaller, mostly internal version that was the starting point for development.

Major Features