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Hello Cube

In this tutorial, we'll pull together several of the techniques we've looked at in the previous tutorials (and add a few new ones) to render a more complex scene: a rotating 3D cube. We'll use's built-in geometry primitives to create a cube mesh and handle 3D math using can be installed by running npm i

As always, we'll start with our imports:

import {AnimationLoop, Model, CubeGeometry} from '';
import {Texture2D, clear} from '';
import {setParameters} from '';
import {Matrix4} from '';

Our shaders are somewhat more involved that we've seen before:

const vs = `\
  attribute vec3 positions;
  attribute vec2 texCoords;

  uniform mat4 uMVP;

  varying vec2 vUV;

  void main(void) {
    gl_Position = uMVP * vec4(positions, 1.0);
    vUV = texCoords;

const fs = `\
  precision highp float;

  uniform sampler2D uTexture;
  uniform vec3 uEyePosition;

  varying vec2 vUV;

  void main(void) {
    gl_FragColor = texture2D(uTexture, vec2(vUV.x, 1.0 - vUV.y));

The two biggest additions to the shaders we've seen before are transforming the positions to rotate our model and create the 3D perspective effect (via the uMVP matrix) and sampling a texture to color fragments (via the texture2D call).

The set up to render in 3D involves a few extra steps compared to the triangles we've been drawing so far:

  onInitialize({gl}) {
    setParameters(gl, {
      depthTest: true,
      depthFunc: gl.LEQUAL

    const texture = new Texture2D(gl, {
      data: 'vis-logo.png'

    const eyePosition = [0, 0, 5];
    const viewMatrix = new Matrix4().lookAt({eye: eyePosition});
    const mvpMatrix = new Matrix4();

    const model = new Model(gl, {
      geometry: new CubeGeometry(),
      uniforms: {
        uTexture: texture

    return {

Some of the new techniques we're leveraging here are:

  • Using setParameters to set up depth testing and ensure surfaces occlude each other properly. Compared to setting these parameters directly, the setParameters function has the advantage of tracking state and preventing redundant WebGL calls.
  • Creating a texture using the Texture2D class. For our purposes, this is as simple as passing a URL to the image location (the image used in this tutorial is available here, but any JPEG or PNG image will do).
  • Creating view and MVP matrices using's Matrix4 class to store the matrices we'll pass to our shaders to perform the animation and perspective projection.
  • Generating attribute data using the CubeGeometry class and passing it to our Model using the geometry property. The geometry will automatically feed vertex position data into the positions attribute and texture coordinates (or UV coordinates) into the texCoords attribute.

Our onRender is similar to what we've seen before with the extra step of setting up the transform matrix and passing it as a uniform to the Model:

  onRender({gl, aspect, tick, model, mvpMatrix, viewMatrix}) {
    mvpMatrix.perspective({fov: Math.PI / 3, aspect})
      .rotateX(tick * 0.01)
      .rotateY(tick * 0.013);

    clear(gl, {color: [0, 0, 0, 1]});

    model.setUniforms({uMVP: mvpMatrix})

We use Matrix4's matrix operations to create our final transformation matrix, taking advantage of a few additional parameters that are passed to the onRender method:

  • aspect is the aspect ratio of the canvas and is used to set up the perspective projection.
  • tick is simply a counter that increments each frame. We use it to drive the rotation animation.

If all went well, you should see a rotating cube with the Uber Visualization logo painted on each side. The live demo is available here, and the full source code is listed below for reference:

import {AnimationLoop, Model, CubeGeometry} from '';
import {Texture2D, clear} from '';
import {setParameters} from '';
import {Matrix4} from '';

const vs = `\
  attribute vec3 positions;
  attribute vec2 texCoords;

  uniform mat4 uMVP;

  varying vec2 vUV;

  void main(void) {
    gl_Position = uMVP * vec4(positions, 1.0);
    vUV = texCoords;

const fs = `\
  precision highp float;

  uniform sampler2D uTexture;
  uniform vec3 uEyePosition;

  varying vec2 vUV;

  void main(void) {
    gl_FragColor = texture2D(uTexture, vec2(vUV.x, 1.0 - vUV.y));

const loop = new AnimationLoop({
  onInitialize({gl}) {
    setParameters(gl, {
      depthTest: true,
      depthFunc: gl.LEQUAL

    const texture = new Texture2D(gl, {
      data: 'vis-logo.png'

    const eyePosition = [0, 0, 5];
    const viewMatrix = new Matrix4().lookAt({eye: eyePosition});
    const mvpMatrix = new Matrix4();

    const model = new Model(gl, {
      geometry: new CubeGeometry(),
      uniforms: {
        uTexture: texture

    return {

  onRender({gl, aspect, tick, model, mvpMatrix, viewMatrix}) {
    mvpMatrix.perspective({fov: Math.PI / 3, aspect})
      .rotateX(tick * 0.01)
      .rotateY(tick * 0.013);

    clear(gl, {color: [0, 0, 0, 1]});

    model.setUniforms({uMVP: mvpMatrix})
